To be a prayerful people filled with the desire and commitment to not only be partakers of Christ’s body and blood, but to become and live as the body and blood of Christ. To serve at the table of the Lord, by offering gifts of the body and blood of Christ to the faith community.
Eucharistic Ministers

The liturgy is a public act of worship that the Church gives to God. The ministry of the Altar Server is to assist the priest on the altar while growing closer to God in one’s own life. Through service on the Altar, servers help the congregation to better understand the Mass. Further through the servers’ witness, they help to strengthen the community’s love for God.
Altar Server Ministry

Every Lector is to convey God’s Holy Word as a messenger sharing and serving in the work of the Lord’s Spirit so that the Word challenges, comforts and captures the hearts of His people so all will turn to the Lord with a new Heart. In order to have an impact on the congregation as a Lector, every Lector will take their position seriously and display a genuine love for the Word of God.

The Choirs of Divine Mercy strive to serve our God and our congregational community through the joyous gift of music by using the musical talents God has bestowed on us and by working to develop those talents to the best of our abilities. It is our prayer that those who hear our offering will feel the Spirit of God within and that they will be renewed, invigorated, and comforted. Just as all things within the Church glow with God’s holy presence, so too should our music glow as it is consecrated to holy use by God through prayerful musicians. As Church musicians we always seek to be humble and realize that we are instruments of our Lord. Forged in the fires of God and man united, real music is made.

Ministers of the Sick provide special care and outreach to the sick, homebound and elderly in homes, and in hospitals of the parish. Trained and experienced Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion make regular visits and by administration of the Eucharist and by genuine care and concern they extend the loving presence to the sick that are separated by illness or disability from the Parish community and the body of Christ.
Ministry of the Sick

The sacristan is to know the meaning and purpose of the liturgy as well as the needs of the particular liturgical assembly, and to work carefully to see the liturgy’s ends realized by providing the members of the assembly with the tools they need for a meaningful, prayerful, and active celebration. At Divine Mercy Catholic Church, we have individual Mass sacristans who fulfill these liturgical functions and duties