We, the Daughters of Divine Mercy, will dedicate ourselves to learning and expanding our knowledge of the Divine Mercy message through the study of St. Faustina’s Diary and the spiritual direction of our pastor. We will bring the message of God's Divine Mercy into our daily lives by following the mission of St. Faustina; we will manifest our love and support for our community of Divine Mercy Church through prayer and through the active promotion of the Divine Mercy Message.
Daughters of Divine Mercy

El Grupo de Oración es un grupo de personas que se reúnen para alabar a Dios con la oración espontánea y con el canto exuberante. Dios es alabado por su majestad, su amor y su fidelidad. El centro del Grupo de Oración es el Señor Jesús, donde al impulso del Espíritu y en compañía de la Virgen María, Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia; se alaba a Dios, se acoge la Palabra de Dios, se canta al Señor, y experimentamos el amor de Dios actuando en medio del grupo a través de los carismas, testimonios, compartir de hermanos, docilidad al Espíritu, apertura y entrega al Señor.
Grupo de Oracion En Español

A solid youth ministry cannot run without a team of quality volunteers – this we call the Core Team. Some members of the Core Team are parents of the children in the youth programs, while others are adults and young adults who want to make a difference and be a positive influence on the youth in our church.
Core Team members must be committed to Christ in their personal lives, and be willing to share Him with the youth. There are varying degrees of commitment – some Core Team members help with the weekly nights, while others help with food or chaperoning special events.
We need Core members who want to see the New Evangelization take place in their own lives with daily conversion and who want to bring about that New Evangelization in the lives of our young people as well.

Life Teen is a comprehensive youth ministry program based on, focused on, and directed toward the Eucharist. Life Teen is an international Catholic movement that serves the Church by providing resources and faith experiences that help lead teens closer to Christ. The goals of Life Teen are:
- To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today
- To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community.
- To Foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.